The most crucial aspect of any massage therapy is your comfort. For massage treatment to be as effective as possible, the therapist and patient must communicate well. The more details you provide, the more prepared the therapist will be, leading to a more efficient course of therapy.
The session can be adjusted to your requirements if there is any aspect of the procedure that makes you uncomfortable. An enjoyable massage experience is what you should expect. Because of this, you establish the boundaries, and the therapist adheres to them. Keep in mind that you are the boss.
Professionals that uphold the highest ethical standards are licensed massage therapists. Additionally, massage therapists are required to respect client privacy. All therapists with licenses work within the bounds of the law. With all of this in mind, you can be sure that you'll have a positive experience.
Swedish massage is a broad-based procedure that takes around an hour. The goal is to cause a profound feeling of relaxation throughout the body. Typically, long, flowing strokes with mild to medium pressure are used to achieve this. This is administered as a generalized treatment that doesn't target any particular issues.
An strategy called orthopedic rehabilitative massage employs a number of rehabilitation and massage techniques. The body's soft tissues, postural abnormalities, and other ailments are given additional attention. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues are a few examples of these soft tissues.
These treatments are not offered as full-body treatments due to their specialized nature. Compared to a Swedish massage, they are less soothing. This type of treatment may entail aided stretching, deep pressure-focused massage, and muscle testing.
Please remember that your appointment is a reservation for the therapist’s time. If an appointment is cancelled without proper notice or must be shortened because of a client’s tardiness, full payment will still be expected.
30 Minutes Appointment - $40
60 Minute Appointment - $65
90 Minute Appointment - $90
Muscles are involuntarily contracted with electric current during electric muscle stimulation (EMS). It is employed to lessen pain and encourage tissue recovery. Muscle spasticity, stiffness, and pain can be treated using EMS. Additionally, it may be challenging to make an adjustment when muscles are exceedingly tense. In these situations, EMS can be utilized to relax the muscle and make some procedures more pleasant for the patient before an adjustment.
The deep-heat treatment known as ultrasound is produced by sound waves. These sound waves act as a form of micro massage by penetrating beneath the skin. Adhesions and scar tissue that develop after an injury can be reduced by ultrasound. Chronic injuries can also be successfully treated with ultrasound.
It is crucial that patients participate in their chiropractic treatment. For instance, hamstring tightness might worsen pelvic misalignment. The pelvis can be realigned with chiropractic adjustments, but if the pelvic musculature is disregarded, adjustments won't last as long as they should. Weak muscles follow the same principles. Weak abdominal muscles can make the low back more curved, which puts more strain on the lumbar spine's discs and joints. Stretches and/or exercises can assist the spine maintain its alignment while easing pain and stiffness.